

To donate by check:

Your contribution is tax-deductible (IRS Tax ID number 13-2992985) Please make checks out to: Central Fund of Israel Donations made in this way are allocated to providing legal defense only and not for other purposes. Checks should be mailed to Honenu at our New York branch office:

Honenu 1327 45th Street Brooklyn, NY 11219

To donate online:  Click here     US tax deductible donations are accepted to assist needy cases with legal aid. Donors have the options of a standing order for monthly donations.

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In Israel  (for Israeli charitable receipt in shekels)

You can make a contribution using a credit card: Call (02) 9605558 (24 hours a day) To directly deposit a contribution to our bank account: Bank Leumi (Bank No. 10), Branch No. 647, Account No. 23860042, (Givat Shaul, Jerusalem).

To donate by Paypal: click here

To donate by check:

Shekel donations are Israeli tax deductible should be mailed to our Israeli office:

Honenu POB 2 Kiryat Arba 90100 Israel Tel: (02)-9605558

Rav Mordechai Eliyahu z”l and Rav Dov Lior have ruled that donations to Honenu are Ma’aser Kesafim (tithe donations). Honenu is a registered charitable organization (amuta) No.580386571 and is recognized by the Israeli Tax Authorities. To view Rabbinical endorsements