DM Gallant signs another administrative order

Honenu Atty. Shimshilashvili; Photo credit: Honenu

Monday, September 16, 2024, 10:47 This morning (Monday), Defense Minister Yoav Gallant signed an administrative detention order against a 19-year-old Shomron resident who was detained yesterday by the Yehuda and Shomron Police. Two months ago, the new GOC of the Central Command, Major-General Avi Bluth, as he assumed the post, signed an order banning the resident from Yehuda and Shomron. Minister Gallant’s newest order brings the total of orders against Yehuda and Shomron residents, to a total of 26 orders issued to Jews since he took office two years ago, more than any other defense minister has signed. As of now, despite a notification that the order had been issued to the Shomron resident, it has not been delivered to either him or his attorney. Therefore the date of signing and duration of the order are unknown. Honenu Attorney Daniel Shimshilashvili is representing the resident. In related news, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant signed administrative detention orders against four Yehuda and Shomron residents on August 22.

Attorney Shimshilashvili leveled sharp criticism at Minister Gallant: “Unfortunately, another Shomron resident has been thrown into the detention center dungeons without a trial due to an erroneous security rationale reasoning that the detention of Jews will reduce Arab terror. The security authorities who still hold their positions despite their part in the failure that led to the massacre on Simhat Torah [October 7] are increasingly violating the fundamental rights of Israeli citizens. The Defense Minister is signing wholesale administrative restraining and detention orders. In this case, he has broken a record: The citizen has been detained without the administrative detaining order being presented to the detainee, which is illegal. I call on all security authorities to cease harassing Jews and to divert their energy to the war on our enemies who are attacking us.”

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