Honenu Attorneys Rom (L) and Keidar (R); Photo credit: Honenu
Tuesday, July 30, 2024, 8:45 Late Monday night, the Military Criminal Investigation Division (MCID) and the Military Advocate General informed Honenu Attorneys Adi Keidar and Nati Rom that at 22:00 a decision would be made whether to release the soldiers or leave them in remand overnight. Honenu called on the authorities to release them: “Stop the disgrace and release the soldiers tonight. The investigation can continue when they are released.”
Later the same night, an announcement was made that the decision had been postponed until 23:30. Shortly after midnight, over two hours after the initially scheduled time, Honenu Attorney Nati Rom was told that a decision had not yet been reached: “The soldiers have been under interrogation for hours, their families are under intense stress, and unfortunately, although we have been told a number of times that a decision would be reached, we still do not know if the soldiers’ remand will be extended, or if they will be released tonight. We hope that Major-General Yifat Tomer Yerushalmi, the Chief Military Advocate will get off her high horse and release them tonight. We are currently waiting for a reply from the Military Advocate General.”
An hour later, a basic update was issued: One of the soldiers is being remanded overnight. A decision has not yet been reached regarding the other detained soldiers. Tomorrow, a hearing will be held at the Military Court. The time has not yet been set.
By Tuesday morning, a few more details were known. All of the detained soldiers were left in remand overnight and are expected to be brought to a hearing at the military court on the Gur military base near Beit Lid later this afternoon.
Yesterday, Honenu Attorneys Rom and Keidar were prevented on various pretexts from meeting with the detainees and granting them legal counsel.