Honenu Attorney Shimshilashvili; Photo credit: Honenu
Sunday, August 18, 2024, 10:19 Last Friday, border police forces arrived at an outpost near Ma’aleh Amos in Gush Etzion, presented a closed military zone order and demanded that the residents leave the site, which they did without resisting. After the order expired, the residents returned on Saturday. Saturday night, after Shabbat, police officers arrived at the site, detained one resident and took him into the police station on a claim that he had violated the order. Honenu Attorney Daniel Shimshilashvili provided legal counsel to the resident who was released at the station.
Honenu Attorney Daniel Shimshilashvili stated, “It is sad to see that the belief that settling the land is likely to be an obstacle to an (imaginary) peace with a bloodthirsty enemy has not only not disappeared, but is raising its head as if nothing has changed since October 6. It is ridiculous that so many resources were allocated to enforcing an expired order. The troops sent to the outpost should have been arresting terrorists and confiscating the illegal weapons that they stockpile as they surround any area devoid of a Jewish community. In our opinion, the closed military zone orders are illegal and designed to limit those who love Israel and want to see Jewish progress, whereas terrorists are walking freely after a mass release from a detention center, for which Israel did not receive anything in return.”