Honenu Atty. Keidar; Photo credit: Honenu
Thursday, December 5, 2024, 15:16 Two months ago, the GOC of the Home Front Command, Major-General Rafi Milo, placed a Yehuda and Shomron resident under nighttime house arrest for four months. The resident is forbidden to leave his home from seven in the evening until the following morning. He is also required to report to the police station twice a week and is banned from entering Yehuda and Shomron for four months. Honenu Attorney Adi Keidar filed an objection on behalf of the resident asking Maj.-Gen. Milo to relax the conditions and consider allowing him to serve the house arrest at his yeshiva in northern Israel. The request was refused. The resident must serve house arrest at his parents’ home in Jerusalem.
In his objection, Attorney Keidar leveled sharp criticism at Maj.-Gen. Milo: “Requiring an adult to stay at his parents’ home every night and report to the police station in the afternoon twice a week violates the most basic freedoms and fundamental rights granted to every individual. Restricting his freedom of movement greatly disrupts his normal daily routine and prevents him from behaving according to basic social norms. The order, in its current framework, is not only unjustified, but also detrimental educationally. It is liable to cause damage and be counterproductive. The order prevents my client from choosing a proper path in life and sentences him to boredom, idleness, and helplessness. There is no need to mention the psychological consequences for a young man trying to stay on the right path who instead experiences persecution from the law enforcement authorities.”
Attorney Keidar issued a statement about the case: “My client is a normative individual from a respected, law-abiding family who does not have a criminal record. He has attended recognized yeshiva institutions for his entire life. The refusal by Major-General Milo to allow my client to maintain a normative life is regrettable and surprising. The persecution of Yehuda and Shomron residents must stop.”