Please click here for a list of posts relating to cases in which Honenu provided legal counsel to victims of antisemitic attacks in Jerusalem.
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 9:35 An Arab attacked Honenu Attorney Nati Rom and his family in Jerusalem in March 2021. The assailant was arrested, convicted, and given a six-month suspended sentence. The victims were awarded compensation in criminal proceedings. Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher filed a suit in civil proceedings on behalf of the victim with the Jerusalem Magistrates Court in late 2024. Recently, in the absence of a statement of defense, the Jerusalem Magistrates Court awarded the victims NIS 80,000 in compensation.
Arabs attack Attorney Rom on Yohanan Ben Hurcanus Street; Video credit: Security camera
In the statement of claim, Attorney Bleicher described the incident: “On March 17, 2021, on Yohanan Ben Hurcanus Street in Jerusalem, the claimant stopped at the side of the road at a place designated for loading and unloading and let off his wife and six children. He left the motor running with the intent to immediately continue driving. While the claimant’s family was getting out of the car, the defendant, with whom he had no prior acquaintance, shouted at him and cursed him. The claimant took out his mobile phone to record the incident. The defendant grabbed the phone and shoved the claimant. At this point, another Arab joined the defendant, and both of them cursed the claimant. During the attack, a car drove toward the claimant and almost hit him. Long minutes passed before the claimant’s phone was returned to him. For the entire attack, the claimant’s family, his wife and children, were nearby and saw their father threatened, cursed, shouted at, and shoved.”
Attorney Rom issued a statement: “We welcome this important verdict and call on every victim whose attacker had racist motives to sue them in civil proceedings. The value of such a suit is measured not only at the personal level, but also at the national level in terms of increased deterrence against the terrorist population in the State of Israel in general and in Jerusalem in particular.”
Attorney Bleicher added, “There are Islamist terrorists for whom attacking and injuring Jews at any opportunity is a way of life and a world view. We will make every effort to exact a high price from said terrorists because our collective security is at stake.”