Jewish victim sues Arabs over assault, Tik Tok video

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Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher; Photo credit: Honenu

Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 14:36 Three years ago, two Arabs assaulted a Jew walking near Sha’ar Shechem (Damascus Gate) in Jerusalem. While one of them shoved and humiliated the victim, the other recorded the crime. Then they uploaded the video to the Tik Tok social media platform. The assailants were apprehended, put on trial, convicted and sentenced to community service. Currently, Honenu is suing them in civil proceedings at the Jerusalem Magistrates Court. The lawsuit is seeking NIS 300,000 on behalf of the victim.

In the statement of claim, Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher described the incident: “On July 26, 2021, the defendants were walking in the area of Sha’ar Shechem when they noticed the claimant, who was wearing clothing typical of Hareidi Jews. They followed him for several minutes, and then attacked him, solely because he was Jewish. Defendant A shoved the claimant while Defendant B recorded the act and uploaded it to the Tik Tok social media platform. The defendants fled the scene after the assault.”

Attorney Bleicher issued a statement after filing the suit: “Any terrorist who considers injuring or degrading a Jew should know that they will pay a high price for their acts. We will continue to sue over every act of terror against a Jew, to increase deterrence, and to return dignity to the people of Israel in their land.”

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