Please click here for a list of posts relating to cases in which Honenu provided legal counsel to victims of antisemitic attacks in Jerusalem and here for a list of posts relating to the May 2021 Arab rioting throughout Israel.

Shattered windshield; Photo credit: Shirel Reish
Monday, December 16, 2024, 11:10 A newly-engaged couple, Avia and Shahar Anteman were brutally attacked in Beit HaHoshen, overlooking the Temple Mount, immediately after their engagement in May 2021. Numerous Arab terrorists took part in the attack, the last of whom were convicted in July 2022. Some of the terrorists have already been successfully sued for compensation in civil proceedings.
Recently, Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher filed a NIS 1,950,000 suit against two more of the terrorists at the Jerusalem District Court in civil proceedings. The terrorists were sentenced to six and nine years’ imprisonment, respectively, in criminal proceedings at the Jerusalem District Court in March 2023. The couple was also awarded compensation. Several months ago, the Supreme Court rejected an appeal by the terrorists and upheld the lower court’s ruling.
In the statement of claim, Attorney Bleicher detailed the damage caused the couple in the attack and described the pain and suffering, primarily emotional, that they experienced, and still experience, following the attack. The victims are asking the court to impose punitive compensation because the attackers were motivated by terror.
Attorney Bleicher: “We will make every effort to pursue every terrorist who injures Jews. As a first stage in this case, we ensured that the terrorists would be apprehended. In the second stage, they were handed down stiff sentences in criminal proceedings. The third and current stage is filing a civil suit for damages against every convicted terrorist. Terror must be fought relentlessly.”

Anteman proposal; Photo courtesy of the photographer
In May 2021, Avia proposed to Shahar in Beit HaHoshen, and then they headed toward Beit Orot. On their way, their car was blocked by other cars. At the A-Tor Intersection, dozens of Arab rioters threw rocks at them. Avia got out of the car and was beaten, pelted with rocks, and then stabbed in the back. Shahar escaped on foot and hid behind a parked car until the police arrived. The couple met up again in Beit Orot. Avia was evacuated, injured and bleeding, to Sha’arei Tzedek Hospital. He suffered a head injury, stab wounds to his back, and a punctured lung. Because of prolonged hospitalization and outpatient treatments, the couple postponed their engagement party.