Neriya Zarog requests alternative to administrative order

For a partial list of cases in which Honenu has represented Neriya Zarog, please click here.

The Zarogs in their protest tent, Jerusalem, August 2023; Photo credit: Honenu

Thursday, July 25, 2024, 8:55 At the beginning of the week, the GOC of the Central Command Major-General Avi Bluth signed an administrative restraining order banning right-wing activist Neriya Zarog from Yehuda and Shomron for 6 months. Zarog, a Yitzhar resident, has been under administrative detention for three months and is expected to be released at the end of this week. The new order forces Zarog to find a temporary home for his family – his wife and four children – immediately upon his release.

In light of this situation, Honenu Attorney Adi Keidar wrote a letter to Maj.-Gen. Bluth on behalf of Zarog requesting that the administrative restraining order be commuted to a solution that allows his children to start the school year at the institutions they attend in Yitzhar. Attorney Keidar cited that Zarog does not have an alternative place to live: “It is approximately one month before the start of the school year. My client’s children attend schools and preschools in Yitzhar. What will be with their studies in the upcoming school year?! Has anyone considered the matter? Has the Major-General paid attention to the severe damage that would be caused to the children’s education by issuing a restraining order to my client?!” Attorney Keidar underscored that a prompt reply to the request is necessary, and if Maj.-Gen. Bluth does not respond, he will turn to the court.

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