Yered (L), Honenu Atty. Keidar (R); Photo credit: Honenu
Wednesday, August 7, 2024, 12:52 One year ago, right-wing activist Elisha Yered was summoned to the Yehduda and Shomron Police Station and interrogated under caution on suspicion of “incitement to terror” after posting tweets on his Twitter (now known as X) account criticizing the security authorities’ policy of containment following a wave of Arab terror attacks against Jews in Yehuda and Shomron. Several days ago, the State Attorney’s office informed Yered that the case against him had been closed. Honenu Attorney Adi Keidar is representing Yered.
During his interrogation, an interrogator presented Yered with a tweet he had posted after several terror attacks in Hawara in which he wrote, “Jews, let this sink in: The security authorities have completely abandoned us. They will wake up only when you start defending yourselves.” Another tweet presented to Yered was written after a murderous terror attack in Eli (June 20, 2023) and included sharp criticism of the security authorities and the government: “Dear Politicians and Generals, Spare us the hollow slogans recited at funerals. We do not want empty words. We want revenge. If the security authorities continue to abandon the lives of the citizens under their watch, Jews will rise up and defend themselves with their own hands.”
Yered and Attorney Keidar made statements in response to the case closing:
Elisha Yered: “I am happy to see that the State Attorney’s office has finally understood that the investigation from the start was political persecution and an attempt to silence me. I was summoned for interrogation a few hours before I received an administrative restraining order signed by Major-General Yehuda Fuchs. The aims of the interrogation and the order are the same: silencing and threatening anyone who dares to criticize the security authorities and their failures, and harming our efforts to expand communities in Yehuda and Shomron. Just as this investigation ended without results and did not dissuade us from continuing our work, thus every action they take in the future will not stop us. We will continue our efforts for the sake of the Land and People of Israel.”
Honenu Attorney Adi Keidar added: “I am pleased that another chapter of obsessive persecution by the Yehuda and Shomron Police, the GSS, and Major-General Fuchs of Elisha Yered has ended. In a democratic state, one may level criticism at a governmental body. Freedom of expression is a fundamental value in a democracy. We hope that the law enforcement authorities will turn their energies and resources to fighting an intensive war on terror instead of harassing Yehuda and Shomron residents.”