Honenu Attorney Bleicher; Photo credit: Honenu
Sunday, September 15, 2024, 16:56 In late August, a group of Arabs attacked two Jews at a park in Hadera. The victims, who required medical treatment, including stitches, filed a complaint with the police. However, the case was closed for lack of evidence. Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher appealed to the State Attorney’s office on behalf of the victims, demanding that the case be reopened. In response to the appeal, the police notified Attorney Bleicher that the case has been reopened.
In his appeal, Attorney Bleicher described the attack: “My client and five friends were spending time at a park in Hadera, after finishing a study session with their rabbi at Yeshivat Olga. Suddenly, without any cause or warning, Arabs starting shouting, whistling and throwing rocks and bottles at them. Before the young men realized what was happening, a group of approximately 14 Arabs rushed at them, carrying weapons and shouting. The assailants threw my client’s friend to the ground, and my client hurried to help him. Then the assailants rushed at my client in murderous anger, and one of them broke a glass bottle over his head. Turning toward the assailant, my client was hit again with a bottle over the left side of his head.
“My client collapsed to the ground after suffering additional blows. One of the assailants stood on his lower body. Another attacker sat on his upper body, viciously stabbing him with a broken glass bottle. The assailant stabbed him 7-8 times in the head. By shielding his neck and eyes with his hands,my client survived the attack, which could have ended in tragedy. He was injured several times in the nape of his neck, his scalp, and the side of his head. Additionally, he suffered scratches to his forehead, cheek, and nose. The beating to his back still causes him severe pains as of my writing these lines.”
In the appeal, Attorney Bleicher underscored that the attack was attempted murder, and demanded that the investigative case be reopened and the assailants be put on trial: “My client filed a complaint at your station over the attack. To our great shock, an examination of the crime victim notification system revealed that on August 28, 2024, the case was closed due to lack of evidence. The system also has a record of two suspects. However, my clients were not summoned to a police line-up to identify them. Also, two other eyewitnesses were not summoned to give testimony. This was an extremely vicious attack that amounted to attempted murder, carried out by a large group of 14 people acting together, motivated by nationalistic terror. Even though the terrorists very nearly murdered a man, they are walking free, and are capable of repeating the act at any moment. They pose a great danger to Israeli citizens. It is inconceivable for a case such as this to be closed without an indictment. I demand that the case be reopened and that the GSS and other intelligence authorities be involved in investigating the incident. They must use special means to locate every one of the assailants who took part in the attack, whether actively or as supportive members of the group. I demand that they all be arrested, thoroughly investigated, and the guilty be indicted for serious charges. Their remand must be extended as needed, repeatedly if necessary.”
Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher issued a statement: “We expect the attack to be thoroughly investigated in accordance with its severity. We expect the GSS to lead an investigation that will yield the necessary evidence to imprison the terrorists.”