Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher; Photo credit: Honenu
Sunday, February 11, 2024, 8:10 Haifa District Court Judge Erez Porat handed down a seven-month sentence to a terrorist who took part in an attack on a Jewish family. The family had lost their way and drove into the village of Zalafa in Wadi Ara during Operation Guardian of the Walls (May 2021). The terrorist, who is a minor, was convicted of aggravated assault while committing an act of terror and racially motivated malicious vehicular vandalism. The lenient sentence was handed down despite the terrorist’s conviction of serious charges and a request from the State Attorney’s office for an eight-year sentence. Another terrorist who took part in the attack and for whom the State Attorney’s office had also requested an eight-year sentence was sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment. At the beginning of next week, a Supreme Court hearing will take place for the appeal filed by the State Attorney’s office on the leniency of the sentence.
The indictment describes how the terrorist and dozens of additional rioters chased the family’s car while throwing rocks and anything else they could grab at it. One of the rioters rammed his car into the family’s car, destroying the rear bumper. The rioters blocked the family’s car, climbed on the roof, shattered the windshields, and tried to pull the family out of their car. The mother shielded her children from the beating and the rocks with her body. One large rock was thrown directly into her face from point blank range. After a long time, the family were rescued and transported for medical treatment.
Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher, who is representing the family, strongly criticized the sentencing and said, “Judge Porat’s ruling does not reflect the severity of the crime. The terrorist took part in one of the worst attacks that occurred during Operation Guardian of the Walls. There was an attempt to crush a baby with large rocks, and her mother was hit in the face by the rocks as she shielded her children. Sentencing the perpetrator of a brutal attack to such a lenient penalty is unacceptable. Israeli citizens are entitled to protection of their lives, and therefore it is intolerable for judges to release terrorists. We demand that this huge disgrace be corrected. On Monday, a hearing for an appeal on the sentencing of an additional terrorist who took part in the attack will take place at the Supreme Court. Judge Porat sentenced him to only 18 months’ imprisonment. We will be present at the hearing. I call on Israeli citizens not to remain indifferent to the injustice that has been done.