Verdict to be handed down for Ben Uliel

Sunday, May 17, 2020, 14:25 On Monday, May 18, the court will hand down a verdict in the trial of Amiram Ben Uliel, the only Jewish defendant remaining from among the many investigated in the Kfar Duma arson incident case, which has been ongoing for close to five years. The verdict was scheduled to be handed down on April 26, however three days before the deliberation, Central District Court Judge Ruth Lorch postponed it by more than three weeks.
Shmuel (Zangi) Meidad, the director of Honenu: “There is only one way for the truth to be revealed: complete exoneration of Amiram and his release home tomorrow morning to his wife and daughter, from whom he has been cruelly separated for four and half years.”
Zangi called for an investigative committee to examine the flaws in the Kfar Duma case: “Afterwards, I hope that the decision makers in Israel form a governmental investigative committee to thoroughly examine the actions of the Jewish Department of the GSS and of the upper echelon of the Attorney General’s office for their part in the criminal treatment [of the defendants].
Ben Uliel is being detained until the end of proceedings and is being held in isolation. He is not allowed use of a telephone and in light of restrictions implemented due to the Coronavirus outbreak, his family has not been able to visit him for approximately three months.
See “Exposing the Duma Blood Libel” – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4 for more details about the case.

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