Oz Tzion shepherd files complaint against attackers

Yehiel Indor, hospitalized; Photo credit: Free use

Monday, August 7, 2023, 15:02 The Jewish shepherd who was attacked by Arab rioters from Burqa while grazing his flock near his community of Oz Tzion on Friday, filed a complaint at the Central Unit of Yehuda and Shomron Police Station against his attackers. The previous night, security forces detained five Arab rioters in Burqa. According to an IDF announcement, they are suspected of aggravated assault and grievous bodily harm.

The rioters attacked the shepherd and other Oz Tzion residents who came to his assistance, with clubs, large rocks, and fireworks. The residents felt that their lives were threatened. Yehiel Indor was seriously injured when a rock hit his head and other residents were slightly injured. With his remaining strength, Indor opened fire with his legally-owned personal weapon to defend himself and others. According to media reports, one of the Arab rioters was killed. Indor is still recovering from neurosurgery at Sha’arei Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem.

Yehiel Indor’s serious head injury; Photo credit: Free use

Honenu Attorney Adi Keidar stated, “Shortly after the onset of Shabbat, Arab rioters attacked the shepherd when he was grazing his flock alone. The attack could have easily ended in tragedy. This morning, he arrived at the police station close to his place of residence to file a complaint. He was sent to the Central Unit of Yehuda and Shomron Police Station. I call for the immediate arrest and interrogation of all of the Arab rioters on suspicion of attempted murder.”

On Friday, August 4, shortly before the onset of Shabbat, near Oz Tzion in the Binyamin region, dozens of Arab rioters attacked a Jewish shepherd and local Jewish residents who came to his assistance. The incident began when the Jewish shepherd left Oz Tzion to graze his flock in the area between Oz Tzion and the nearby Arab town of Burqa. Several Arabs approached and threatened him. The shepherd, who felt that he was in danger, summoned other Oz Tzion residents who came to stay with him and prevent the situation from deteriorating.

Dozens of Arabs armed with clubs, fireworks, and large rocks surrounded the Oz Tzion residents. The Arabs launched fireworks directly at the residents and hurled the rocks at them from point-blank range, endangering their lives. The residents called the army and civilian security forces for help. One resident was hit in the head with a rock and seriously injured. With his remaining strength, he opened fire with his legally-owned personal weapon to defend his life. Several other residents were slightly injured. According to media reports, one of the Arab rioters was killed.

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