Honenu Attorney Adi Keidar; Photo credit: Honenu
Monday, February 10, 2025, 9:06 Two weeks ago, the GOC of the Central Command, Major-General Avi Bluth, signed administrative house arrest orders against three Yehuda and Shomron residents. The GSS recommended the orders, which are for three, five, and six months. According to the orders, the residents “pose a danger” to the security of their home neighborhoods. One of the residents is required to serve his five-month house arrest at his grandmother’s home. No hearing was granted, and the grandmother was neither asked for her consent nor received prior notification of the order. Honenu Attorney Adi Keidar wrote to Maj.-Gen Bluth on behalf of the resident and requested an alternative location. Attorney Keidar also requested a delay in carrying out the order. In response, Maj.-Gen. Bluth refused the delay and demanded that the resident inform him where he intends to serve his house arrest.
Attorney Keidar leveled sharp criticism at Maj.-Gen. Bluth: “A youth has been thrown out of his home for months without being granted a hearing as is required by law. Moreover, upon a recommendation from the GSS, Maj.-Gen. Bluth arbitrarily decided that the youth would serve his house arrest at his elderly grandmother’s house. The intolerable ease with which the security forces throw Yehuda and Shomron residents out of their homes without presenting legally admissible evidence, claiming that they ‘pose a danger,’ and other vague charges, must be stopped. Defense Minister Yisrael Katz ended the use of administrative detention orders against Jews. Now he must give his attention to additional administrative orders and help the GSS understand who the enemy is. The genuine enemy, Arab terror, must fought in an all-out war.”