Administrative detentions authorized on Tisha B’Av eve

Honenu Attorney David HaLevi; Photo credit: Honenu

Thursday, July 27, 2023, 15:56 A short time before the onset of the Tisha B’Av fast (this year July 26), Jerusalem Magistrates Court Judge Tamar Bazak-Rappaport announced her decision authorizing the administrative detention of three Yehuda and Shomron residents. The hearing on the matter had taken place approximately one week previously. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant signed the administrative orders, which are for three, four, and five months. Honenu Attorneys David HaLevi, Nati Rom, and Shalom Ben Shabbat represented the detainees.

Attorney Rom stated, “The court has once again served as a rubber stamp for administrative detentions, believing everything that the GSS feeds them in a one-sided manner. This does not allow for proper judicial review in a democratic country. It is saddening to see the sharp rise in administrative detentions of Israeli citizens.”

Attorney Ben Shabbat added, “At a time of a supposed ‘war’ on ‘democracy,’ this is an erroneous decision that befits dark regimes and justifies protest by anyone who values human rights. Friend has been confused with foe yet again. A defense minister who signs administrative orders despite completely baseless claims is not suitable for the job. An attempt to deprive citizens of their right to freedom in a court hearing raises a genuine concern with regard to fundamental citizens’ rights.” In conclusion, Attorney Ben Shabbat alluded to the discord in Israel prior to the destruction of the Temple in Israel on Tisha B’Av almost 2,000 years ago and said, “It seems, regretfully, that the timing of the announcement of the decision blatantly symbolizes our current situation.”

Currently, eight Jewish youths are under administrative detention under orders signed by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant following the terror attack in Eli. Some of the youths were administratively detained after a court released them from remand. Others were administratively detained after a court determined that there was no evidence against them.

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