Arabs attack disabled man near Sha’ar Shechem

Please click here for a list of posts relating to cases in which Honenu provided legal counsel to victims of antisemitic attacks in Jerusalem.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022, 14:35 On Tuesday, February 1, near Sha’ar Shechem (Damascus Gate), Arabs attacked N., a hareidi Jew who has disabilities. Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher, who is representing N., described the attack in a letter, summarized below, to the police:

The serious assault occurred yesterday afternoon, on a street near Sha’ar Shechem. It was a horrific incident, an antisemitic attack, an attempted murder on N., who is disabled and relies on a motorized scooter for mobility.

N., who has a Hassidic appearance, took a friend on his mobility scooter to the Merchav David Police Station to file a complaint about an attack the friend had experienced the previous day. They were referred to the Shalem Police Station, and on the way there, Arabs attacked them.

N. and his friend were waiting waited behind a car at a traffic light near Sha’ar Shechem. When the light turned green, the car did not advance, which blocked the mobility scooter. Then the assailants threw large rocks at N. and his friend, one of which injured N.’s leg.

N. waited until he could pass the car, and then attempted to escape from the murderous ambush. However, as soon as he pulled out to pass, the car started to advance parallel to the scooter, preventing N. from returning to his original lane, thereby attempting to cause him serious injury. In the end, N. and his friend, who were terrified, escaped. They filed complaints at the police station about both attacks.

The extremely cruel antisemitic attack on a disabled person on a mobility scooter crosses a red line. The incident necessitates an urgent investigation using all available resources in order to immediately apprehend, detain, and put behind bars all of the assailants who participated in the act.

For a post about a December 2021 stabbing attack on two hareidi Jews near Sha’ar Shechem, see here, for a November 2021 attack on a hareidi youth, see here, and for a summer 2021 attack on a hareidi yeshiva student, see here.

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