Ayelet Lash; Screenshot of her Facebook page
Monday, April 8, 2024, 16:47 On Sunday, April 7, right-wing activist Ayelet Lash arrived at the Civil Servants’ Disciplinary Court in Jerusalem for a hearing to which she had been summoned by the Civil Service Commission over tweets she had posted on her Twitter account denouncing Arab terror. The Commission claimed that Lash, who works as a teacher, posted racial slurs and statements inciting against Arabs and former Environmental Protection Minister Tamar Zandberg (Meretz) in three separate tweets in 2021. The hearing took place at the Commission’s Civil Servants’ Disciplinary Court in Jerusalem. At the hearing, the judge expressed confusion as to why Lash’s posts were considered incitement. Officials from the Commission responded by requesting a postponement of the hearing for several months “so they could get organized”. Honenu Attorneys Adi Keidar and Moshe Poleski are representing Lash.
Ayelet Lash leveled sharp criticism at the Civil Service Commission: “I was forced to leave my class and my home, which I have been maintaining alone because my husband has been on reserve duty for many months, to come to this ridiculous show. The hearing with regards to my posts is a disgrace. I was interrogated over them by the police and came out innocent, and even the State Attorney’s Office closed the cases against me. I come here, and the Commission’s officials stammer something about the need to get organized. Their conduct is simply embarrassing.”
Honenu Attorney Adi Keidar added, “The Commission’s conduct regarding Ayelet is scandalous. At a time that every university professor or school principal feels free to defame entire sectors of our society, in particular the national-religious sector, and is not called to a hearing, the Commission comes after Ayelet. We will insist on holding a hearing and we will demand that Ayelet is acquitted of all charges.”