“Clear violation of the freedom of expression”

Sunday, March 6, 2016, 11:45 Is the police attempting to prevent a protest opposite the residence of the GOC of the Central Command?
Yosef Frisman, a Jewish youth banned by administrative order, without a trial, from Yehuda and Shomron, was detained by the Ramat Gan Police Department on Wednesday, March 2 near the residence of the GOC of the Central Command, Major General Roni Numa. A short time after the youth arrived in the neighborhood, two policemen approached him and asked him what he was doing. The youth explained that he was examining the surroundings of Major-General Numa’s residence in order to prepare and file a request with the police to hold a demonstration near his home in protest of the administrative orders issued to Jewish youth, and the powerlessness he has shown in the handling of the rampant Arab terror.
The policemen were not satisfied with that response and decided to carry out an illegal body search on the youth in the middle of the street, despite his request that the search be carried out in a concealed place. After the search the police claimed that the youth was under an administrative order banning him from entering the area, which is incorrect. The youth explained that he was banned from entering Yehuda and Shomron, not Ramat Gan. Nonetheless the policemen detained him and took him to the police station where he was placed in a cell for approximately two and a half hours and then released without being either interrogated or informed of any charges against him.
On behalf of the youth, Honenu Attorney Rehavia Piltz filed a complaint with the Police Investigation Unit, against the conduct of the policemen and the violation of the youth’s rights.
“The harassment of my client who wanted only to organize a protest is a clear violation of the freedom of expression,” wrote Piltz in his complaint. “I demand that this incident be treated with the full extent of the law, and the policemen brought to justice.”

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