Deliberation to take place on Temple Mount protest petition

Monday, July 13, 2015, 9:15 On Monday, July 13 a deliberation will take place at 12:00 at the Israeli Supreme Court on the petition filed by Honenu and the Temple Mount activists against the refusal of the police to authorize a demonstration at one of the gates to the Temple Mount in protest of the closure of the Temple Mount to Jews due to the month of Ramadan. This follows a petition on Sunday, July 12 by Honenu attorney Itzik Bam to the Supreme Court of Israel following the refusal of the police to allow a protest on Tuesday, July 14 at one of the gates to the Temple Mount.
A protest is planned for Tuesday, July 14, in the afternoon, to mark one year since rioting Arabs torched the police station on the Temple Mount. The protest organizers and Honenu attorney Itzik Bam, who filed a petition on their behalf and is representing them, will grant interviews at the protest.
Despite attempts by the organizers to coordinate with the police, the police refused to allow the protest to take place opposite one of the gates to the Temple Mount and suggested the Jewish Quarter or Har Tzion as alternative sites. Initially the police had suggested holding the protest at the Dung Gate and the relevant police officer even toured the site with a representative of the protesters in order to finalize authorization of the location. However a short time afterwards the officer retracted the authorization and stated that the Jerusalem District Commander refused to allow the protest to take place at Dung Gate.
In his petition to the court, Honenu attorney Itzik Bam pointed out that the Supreme Court had at one time authorized Meretz activists to march on Shabbat on Bar Ilan Street, which is located in a hareidi neighborhood, and there is no cause to discriminate against Temple Mount activists.

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