The administrative detainee serving as a medic at a terror attack in Eli; Photo credit: United Hatzalah
Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 16:46 Earlier today (Tuesday), Defense Minister Yoav Gallant signed a four-month administrative detention order against a resident of a farm in the Shomron region. As with all administrative orders, no evidence was presented to the recipient, and he was not given the benefit of a trial. The resident is a married volunteer medic who attends on a daily basis traffic accidents, terror attacks and other medical emergencies. On October 7, he rushed to the south of Israel to evacuate and treat victims of the massacre.
The Shomron resident was detained at 6:00 this morning at his home by detectives from the Yehuda and Shomron Police. After many hours during which the police neither released the detainee nor brought him to court, Honenu Attorney Adi Keidar wrote an urgent letter to the court requesting that either the detainee be immediately released or a hearing held before the time he may legally be held in remand elapses. A short time after the request was filed, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant signed the administrative order.
Honenu Director Shmuel (Zangi) Meidad reacted to the administrative order: “While he is still coping with international threats of arrest, Minister Gallant is acting exactly like the corrupt ICC at the Hague, spitting in the face of Israeli citizens, throwing into prison upstanding Jews with absolutely clean reputations, without allowing them any legal recourse to defend themselves.
“It seems that the Defense Minister thinks that perhaps this will save him from the ICC accusations against him. The height of the insanity of the administrative detentions issued to Jews over the past two years during times of war is an embarrassment that will not be erased from the face of this government. I call on the Israeli government and the Prime Minister to put an immediate stop to this practice.”
This administrative order follows a long string of orders signed by Minister Gallant against Yehuda and Shomron residents. Currently, eight additional residents are in prison under administrative orders signed by Minister Gallant.
The detention; Video credit: Free use