Four friends of Eli terror attack victims detained

Honenu Attorney Keidar; Photo credit: Honenu

Friday, June 23, 2023, 19:09 A matter of minutes before the onset of Shabbat, the GSS informed Honenu Attorneys Adi Keidar and Nati Rom that the order prohibiting four detained friends of the Eli terror attack victims from meeting with an attorney would be extended. The GSS is investigating the detainees, who have been banned from meeting with an attorney since immediately after their detention. Their status is not known.

Three of the detainees were detained yesterday (Thursday) evening. Earlier today, the Jerusalem Magistrates Court rejected a request from the Yehuda and Shomron Police and the GSS to extend their remand by 10 days and extended their remand until Monday only. The detainees will be in remand over Shabbat.

This afternoon (Friday), police and GSS forces detained a fourth detainee as he was traveling in the area of Peduel. He is 19 years old and a good friend of Nachman Mordoff, Hy”d, one of the Eli terror attack victims. They were planning on enlisting together in the IDF. After his detention, his father said, “My son has been crying incessantly since the murder. His friend’s murder completely broke him.” Immediately upon his detention, he was taken to a hearing at the Jerusalem Magistrates Court, where his remand was extended until Monday.

Honenu Attorney Adi Keidar stated, “We deplore the continued violation of detainees’ rights, especially as no Arab has been detained or interrogated for violence on their side. After the hearing, it became clear that there was no admissible evidence implicating the detainees. We will therefore appeal the decision and demand their release.”

Honenu Attorney Nati Rom added, “Shooting at police officers in northern Israel, rocks thrown at a family traveling by car, fireworks shot at the police, illegal weapons possession and shooting at cars in southern Israel… Apparently, none of that justifies GSS interrogations or refusal to allow meetings with an attorney. And, sometimes, it even leads to a ‘hudna’ agreement or a meeting with the Prime Minister. But, if you’re a Jew and a close friend of terror attack victims, and you’re suspected of vandalizing property, they’ll use all the oppressive means that they have against you.”

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