He asked Rami Ziv, “Why are you destroying houses in the Land of Israel?” and was interrogated on suspicion of threats

Tuesday, March 22 13:02 “D”, a resident of Binyamin, was interrogated this morning at the Binyamin Police Station on suspicion of harassing a public servant, disturbing a public servant and making threats.
According to the police’s claim, after the destruction of Hilltop Ali Ayin, near Shiloh, “D” phoned Rami Ziv and protested his part in the destruction of the hilltop. Rami Ziv, a resident of Peduel serves as the Civil Administration’s Inspection Unit Deputy Chief and is responsible for destroying buildings in Judea and Samaria.
According to the police’s claim, “D” is suspected of threats because he asked Ziv why he destroyed houses in the Land of Israel. According to investigators from the Binyamin police, this is considered a threat. “D” denied all charges and claims that many of his friends use the cell phone in his possession.
After the interrogation “D” was released unconditionally.
It should be noted that many settlers have been interrogated during the past few months on suspicion that they phoned Rami Ziv and protested his part in destroying Jewish houses.

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