Honenu Attorney Rom detained at Netivot Police Station

Tuesday, March 5, 2024, 14:13 A short time ago, Honenu Attorney Nati Rom was detained at the Netivot Police Station. He came to advise demonstrators who were detained at the Kerem Shalom Crossing and taken into the station after attempting to block trucks transporting humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. Attorney Rom waited at the entrance to the station and spoke to police officers. The officers asked him to leave the station after he demanded that the detainees be granted all of their rights, including the right to meet with an attorney. The officers then informed Attorney Rom that he was being taken into custody. Afterward, they illegally detained him, took his cell phone, and threw him into a detention cell.

Honenu Attorney Adi Keider, who is assisting Attorney Rom, stated, “A red line has been crossed. The completely illegal detention of Attorney Rom will lead to a civil suit against the specific officers who detained him. Although the protests at the Kerem Shalom Crossing are justified, law enforcement at the site is discriminatory. Contrast how the police treated protesters with kid gloves at the protests on Kaplan [Street against judicial reform] with this case. Whoever needs to pay the price will pay.”

Approximately 70 protesters who attempted to to block humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip at the Kerem Shalom Crossing were removed from the site by police shortly before 10:00 this morning. They were loaded onto a combination bus by police officers and taken to Netivot. Honenu Attorney Nati Rom assisted ten protesters who were taken into the police station for interrogation.

The detention; Video credit: Free use

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