Investigation in assault case stalled

Thursday, December 20, 2018, 13:21 In October, a young yeshiva student from Jerusalem was assaulted by Arabs in Ramleh and required medical treatment. During the week of Sunday, December 16, the police recognized him as a victim of terror. However the suspect in the assault and his abettors have not yet been found, and it is not known whether there has been any progress in the police investigation or identifying the assailant and his accomplices.
Approximately two weeks after the incident Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher submitted a written request on behalf of the youth to be recognized as a victim of terror. The letter states that the assault occurred on October 17, when S. was standing at a intersection with a traffic light on Herzl Street. To his surprise, “A white BMW came up to him, did a U-turn and stopped next to him with a screech of brakes.” Then S. noticed that four Arabs were sitting in the car.
The letter also states that, “An Arab approximately 22 years of age got out of the front passenger seat, cursed in Arabic, and punched my client hard in the face, with both fists, and then got back into the car and fled. There had been no cause and nor had there been any harassment beforehand.”
The youth suffered a cut to his left eye and felt a shock to his head. He walked away from the scene and towards the Ramleh Central Bus Station, where an ambulance was summoned for him. He was evacuated to the Assaf HaRofeh Hospital and diagnosed with a concussion and an injured eye.
At the conclusion of the letter, Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher emphasized that, “The incident described above is a serious anti-Semitic incident by any standard. I request that the incident receive priority handling and that every effort is made to bring the assailant and his accomplices to justice.
“This was a racially-nationalistically motivated assault. Incidents such as this do not come out of a vacuum but rather as part of the incitement and belittlement of the security of the Jewish population by the Arab enemy, some of whose soldiers are Israeli citizens who carry out their acts in central Israeli cities.
“In light of this, the police are expected to act decisively and with all their means against terrorists and not to be satisfied with superficial investigations.”

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