Itamar resident released to house arrest

Honenu Attorney Nati Rom; Photo credit: Honenu

Sunday, August 18, 2024, 13:16 On Shabbat, a group of Itamar residents strolling near the Shomron community noticed Arabs destroying a vineyard that is under Jewish ownership and approached them with the intent to drive them away. IDF forces in the area prevented the residents from advancing and cocked their weapons at them. One of the residents was detained. At a hearing on Sunday, the police requested a five-day remand extension for the resident and claimed that he had entered Area A, which is forbidden to Israeli citizens without specific authorization. The Petah Tikva Magistrates Court rejected the request and released the resident to house arrest.

Honenu Attorney Nati Rom, who is representing the resident, stated, “Contrary to the claims, no crime was committed. My client did not enter Area A. He was detained on Shabbat and illegally held by IDF forces for over five hours. I am pleased that the court accepted our request and released him to house arrest.”

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