Please click here for a list of posts relating to the May 2021 Arab rioting throughout Israel and click here for a list of posts relating to cases in which Honenu has represented victims of rock or Molotov cocktail attacks.

Honenu Atty. Bleicher (L) and Janashvilli (R); Photo credit: Honenu
Tuesday, December 31, 2024, 14:30 Hissam Awad, one of the terrorists who brutally attacked Mor Janashvilli in Acco during Operation Guardian of the Walls in May 2021, is currently serving house arrest while wearing an electronic ankle monitor in the Arab town of Al-Makr. In mid-December, the Haifa District Court heard a request from Awad to transfer the house arrest to Acco, at a location near his victim’s home. Janashvilli recently returned to his home in Acco and fears for his life if Awad were also to return.
Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher, who is representing Janashvilli, requested that the transfer be denied. Despite the victim’s pleas, the Haifa District Court approved the transfer today (Tuesday). During a court hearing, Janashvilli turned to the judge and implored, “I’m reaching the end of my rope. I’m on the verge of committing suicide. Please protect me.”
Attorney Bleicher leveled sharp criticism at the court: “The situation of a victim of terror in the State of Israel 2025 being forced to live in fear, in his own home, while an Israeli court prioritizes the well-being of the terrorist, is disheartening. There is much to be corrected in the judicial system before a suitable response to terror can be given and the security of Israeli citizens will be defended.”
During Operation Guardian of the Walls (May 2021), Janashvilli was brutally attacked in Acco as he drove to visit his mother. Dozens of Arab rioters pelted his car with large rocks, heavy furniture, and anything else they could get their hands on. Janashvilli lost control of his car, drove it into a wall, and was forced to flee. The Arab mob beat him with clubs and kicked him until he collapsed on the ground in a semi-conscious state. He was saved at the last moment, apparently by Arabs who called the emergency services. He was evacuated by ambulance to the hospital, suffering from bruises on his entire body, broken bones, cuts on his face, partial paralysis in his left leg, headaches, and dizziness. Since the attack, Janshvilli has waged an uncompromising legal battle demanding that all of his attackers be brought to justice.