Knesset Speaker Edelstein and Magistrate Judge Bechor level criticism against police conduct

Thursday, October 17, 2013 On Thursday, October 17 Shmuel (Zangi) Meidad, the chairman of Honenu and Adi Kedar (Honenu attorney-the legal consultant of the organization), met with Knesset Speaker MK Yuli Edelstein. They discussed administrative orders, and how they are being used against right-wing activists and not against the families of terrorists who have murdered Israelis. Also critical of these orders is Judge Nava Bechor, one of the judges who has presided at a deliberation on Boaz Albert’s case. Albert, a Yitzhar resident who is accused of violating an administrative order banning him from entering his home, refuses to comply with the administrative order until he receives an explanation of why the order was issued against him.
Three other Yitzhar residents, who were dragged out of bed in the presence of their children and detained in pre-dawn raids by dozens of policemen and agents from the Jewish Department of the GSS, were accused of assaulting policemen during the disturbances which occurred while Albert was being detained. They were unconditionally released after spending several hours in remand. Honenu attorney Adi Kedar, who represented the detainees, stated that, “The Yehuda and Shomron District Police continue to conduct themselves scandalously. Instead of following the law and summoning people for interrogation, they decide over and over again to carry out pre-dawn raids on people and families, detaining them by force and surprise”. Kedar further stated that; ”In light of the aforementioned situation, Honenu objected to posting the bail the police requested. As a result of Honenu’s persistence, the police agreed to an unconditional release. We hope that the message will be heeded and that the raids will immediately cease.”

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