Likud activists call for cancelation of administrative orders

Sunday, January 22, 2023, 15:49 Dozens of Likud activists, among them branch heads, wrote a letter to Defense Minister Yoav Gallant demanding that he stop the use of administrative orders against Yehuda and Shomron residents and release the two Shomron residents who have been under administrative detention for two months. Among the signatories are Avichai Boaron of Forum Tzion in the Likud and number 42 on the Likud list; Boaz HaEtzni; Former Knesset Member Shevah Stern (Likud); Tali Argaman, Givatayim Branch; No’a Wilstein, Ramat Gan Branch; Amichai Greenwald, Givatayim Branch; Kati Cohen, Givat Shmuel Branch, and Bracha Rokeah, Azor Branch.

In their letter, the activists wrote, “With your entry into the position of Defense Minister at this critical time for Am Yisrael, we support you and we are certain that you will act to greatly rectify issues connected to state security and to strengthen settlement and Jewish sovereignty in all of Israel. In our opinion, one of the issues in which a fundamental change in the policy from that which the left-wing government led is necessary is the cynical use of emergency measures by the defense minister. The emergency measures are meant to be used against particularly dangerous terrorists, and they are being used against young Jews, without proof of their guilt and fair and balanced judicial proceedings, as is required by law.”

The letter continues: “This conduct constitutes a severe violation of basic human rights with regard to young residents of Yehuda and Shomron and portrays them as a dangerous enemy, as if they were genuinely an enemy, rising up against us to destroy us. Two young men, Elhai Carmeli and Avraham Yered, have been in administrative detention for two months. The previous defense minister, Benny Gantz, signed the orders during his last days in office. We call on you to use your authority to cancel these draconian orders and thereby start a new era under a right-wing government that will make it clear to everyone that the residents of Yehuda and Shomron are not enemies of Israel but rather builders of Israel and pioneers in the wilderness.”

The activists closed with a request to release the detainees: “In expectation that you will order the immediate release of the young men, we wish you success.”

Honenu Attorney Adi Keidar, who is representing the administrative detainees, stated after Minister Gantz’s refusal to cancel the orders, “The use of administrative orders in the cases before us is unacceptable and disproportionate. Orders meant to protect Israel’s security are being used for cynical and narrow political purposes. … We hope that the orders will be examined again soon, with discretion, seriously, and then canceled.”

Elhai Carmeli, a married father of a baby, and Avraham Ya’ir Yered have been under administrative detention since November 2022. Former Defense Minister Benny Gantz signed the four-month detention orders after the police requested remand extensions for them, but the court refused and ordered their release. Former DM Gantz also rejected Carmeli’s request to attend his sister’s wedding. Carmeli then petitioned the High Court of Justice with the assistance of Honenu Attorneys Adi Keidar and Moshe Poleski. The court rejected the petition, and Carmeli did not attend his sister’s wedding.


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