Four-year anniversary memorial for Ahuvia, z”l; Photo credit: Honenu
Tuesday, January 7, 2025, 17:14 Monday, the 6th of Tevet according to the Jewish calendar, marked four years since the death of Ahuvia Sandak, z”l. Sandak was tragically killed in a police-car chase near Kochav HaShahar on 6 Tevet, 5781 (December 21, 2020). Since then, Honenu has been representing those who are insisting on investigating the incident. Honenu is also defending the many who have been detained after demonstrating for a change in police behavior. The car Ahuvia was in, with four other boys, overturned when a police car from the Yehuda and Shomron Police collided with it from behind. The boys, who were injured in the car ramming, were indicted in November 2024 for various charges. Please click here for a list of posts connected to the case.
The officers responsible for the car ramming were investigated on suspicion of corrupting the investigation of Ahuvia’s death. However, they were not put on trial, and the case against them was closed without any indictments. They have also returned to their jobs in the police force.
Dozens of family members, friends, and public figures, led by Honenu Director Shmuel (Zangi) Meidad, took part in a memorial service for Ahuvia at the Kfar Etzion cemetery where he is buried. Honenu is representing the Sandak family and Ahuvia’s friends in their fight for a fair trial.
Avraham Sandak, Ahuvia’s father, spoke at the memorial service: “Today, everyone sees how [former Attorney General Avichai] Mandelblit closed deals, how the judicial system is full of agendas, how in other situations, police officers were immediately investigated and prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and how we weren’t granted the basic right to appear in court with our case. Such a righteous youth does not deserve this treatment. In spite of it all, we have complete faith that somehow the injustice will be rectified. The judicial system must undergo a significant change. All of the injustices that have been committed over the years must be rectified. And if not, in the end G-d will reveal the entire truth. This is part of the redemption: Zion will be redeemed with justice, and those that return to her, with righteousness. [Isa. 1:27] … The public understands that the system is motivated by an agenda. The nation of Israel is getting more and more bitter over this, and in the end, they will reject it all and create new systems that match their spirit.”