Minor brutally detained in Ramot

Wednesday, December 5, 2018, 11:51 On the morning of Wednesday, December 5, a 16-year old minor was brutally detained by policemen in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem. Honenu Attorney Adi Keidar represented the minor and Honenu also sent an urgent complaint to the Israeli Police, which includes testimonies from neighbors and passers-by who witnessed the detention.
The testimonies state that at 10:30 three policemen arrived at the minor’s home and asked him to come out: “When he came close to them they charged him without warning, without presenting a detention warrant, without asking him to accompany them to the police car and without him doing a thing.”
Eyewitnesses who were “shocked to the core” describe the policemen as laying the minor down on the ground, handcuffing him and loading him into the police car. The little daughter of one the neighbors started to cry at the sight.
The complaint letter ended with a demand for “investigation of the testimonies which indicate that the detention was not carried out according to regulations. However, beyond that, the detention was violent and unconstrained. I would like to receive clear answers with regard to the unrestrained aggression towards the minor.”

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