Minors detained overnight

Tuesday, February 5, 2019, 11:44 On the night of Monday, February 4, four minors and one adult were detained as they drove on Begin Boulevard in Jerusalem. They were brought to the Lev HaBira Police Station where they spent the night and were released the morning.
Honenu Attorney Nati Rom, who assisted the detainees, stated that, “This is a genuine scandal. Minors who are barely criminally responsible were detained, without a reasonable cause, in the middle of the night while returning home from a wedding. They were held for many hours at the police station without a place to sleep, without food and the minors were held with adults. They were not told over what they had been detained. Also their attorney was not informed of the exact cause.”
Rom added that, “After waiting for many hours they were released, with a summons for interrogation the following day. This was a serious violation of their rights, and we intend to file a complaint with the PIU (Police Investigation Unit).”

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