Parole board rejected request from Janashvilli’s attacker

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Monday, September 5, 2022, 16:48 The Prison Service parole board rejected the request by Bilal Hiluani, one of the terrorists who injured Mor Janashvilli in a brutal attack in Acco during Operation Guardian of the Walls, for a one-third reduction in his sentence. Hiluani wrote to the parole board after serving one year of his sentence. Leading up to the hearing on Hiluani’s request, Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher, who is representing Janashvilli and assisting him with realizing his rights as a victim of terror, filed a letter with the parole board on his behalf demanding that they deny Hiluani parole. See the summary below.

Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher welcomed the decision: “The parole board did well to reject the terrorist’s request. There must be no compromises in the war against terror. Every compromise leads to increased terror.”

Mor Janashvilli also reacted to the decision: “I have experienced difficult and demanding days. Every request such as this adds anxiety and frustration. I am thankful, and I welcome the decision by the parole board. It sent a message that Jewish blood is not cheap and a terrorist belongs behind bars.”

Summary of the letter from Janashvilli to the parole board:

On May 12, 2021, the terrorist, Bilal Hiluani, took part in the rioting and the brutal attack that was an attempt to murder me. Only by a miracle did I survive the cruel incident. The terrorist inflamed the murderous mob by calling out “The boy died!” even though he saw and knew that nobody had died. He incited the mob to continue attacking me with rocks, clubs, metal rods, and knives because I had supposedly killed one of the rioters. [The rioters falsely accused Janashvilli of running over one of the young rioters.]

Motivated by nationalism and racism, the terrorist and his friends cruelly injured me only because I am a Jew, as the court determined. A further reduction of the terrorist’s penalty is unacceptable. His early release will severely harm me and my trust in the judicial system of the State that is dear to us. I think that it will also severely damage the deterrence factor against terror and terrorists and public trust in the legal system.

Bilal Hiluani is one of the many terrorists who were detained and tried for the brutal attack of Janashvilli. At the time of Operation Guardian of the Walls, May 2021, Janashvilli was attacked in Acco by dozens of Arab rioters who pelted his car with large rocks, heavy furniture, and anything else they could get their hands on. Janashvilli lost control of his car, drove it into a wall, and was forced to flee. The Arab mob beat him and kicked him until he collapsed on the ground in a semi-conscious state. He was saved at the last moment, apparently by Arabs who called the emergency services. He was evacuated by ambulance to the hospital, suffering from bruises on his entire body, broken bones, cuts on his face, partial paralysis in his left leg, headaches, and dizziness.

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