Petition filed with District Court – allow Shachar Butbeka leave for wedding

Tuesday, April 26 18:39 This morning Honenu attorney Adi Kedar filed a petition with the Central District Court in a request to order the Prison Service to allow Shachar Butbeka leave in honor of his wedding.
Butbeka served in the Border Police and is satisfying a prison sentence of eight and a half years for attacking an Arab in Hebron in revenge for the murder of his friends in the battle in the “Alley of Heroes” (“Worshipers Way”) in Hebron eight years ago.
Three and a half months ago Butbeka filed a request with the Prison Service for leave for his wedding. The Prison Service has not yet responded to the request.
This morning Honenu attorney Adi Kedar filed a petition with the district court requesting that the Prison Service be ordered to allow the leave.

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