Honenu Attorney Keidar; Photo credit: Honenu
Thursday, April 4, 2024, 8:35 Recently, a Jewish resident of Jerusalem was notified that the GOC of the Home Front Command, Major-General Rafi Milo intends to serve him with an administrative restraining order because of “sensitive information” they have concerning his activities. The order bans the resident from the Old City of Jerusalem and the surrounding neighborhoods. In contrast, over the past few days, every evening, protests have been held on the Temple Mount by hundreds of Arabs inciting against the State of Israel and praising the Hamas terror organization. In response, Honenu Attorney Adi Keidar wrote a letter to Maj.-Gen. Milo requesting clarification of the charges against his client and cancellation of the order.
In his letter, Honenu Attorney Adi Keidar cited that there is no evidence against the resident: “The notification states that ‘provocative’ activity on the Temple Mount has been attributed to my client and that he has encouraged others to do likewise. I do not know what definition of ‘provocation’ the security authorities have. In a democratic country that sanctifies personal freedoms, among them freedom of movement, one must not be complacent with a situation in which a citizen is prevented from walking down the street of a city by an administrative-military order without his being presented with evidence, and even without his being accused of committing a crime or a violent act against anyone.”
Attorney Keidar further requested cancelation of the order: “The security authorities’ erroneous conception that the Temple Mount is ‘a powder keg’ cannot serve as grounds for the draconian violation of the rights of law-abiding citizens. This takes on greater significance considering the appalling images coming from the Temple Mount of an incited mob of rioters calling out support for the Hamas terror organization and the horrific massacre of October 7. In light of the above, the order should not be issued. At the very least, concrete information regarding the expected restrictions and the charges against my client must be presented so that he can plead his case in a straightforward and organized manner.”