Remand extended for suspect of setting Rabbi Lior’s car on fire

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Rabbi Lior’s destroyed car; Photo credit: Beit Orot

Sunday, July 31, 2022, 21:50 On Sunday, July 31, the office of the Jerusalem District Attorney filed a plaintiff’s affidavit against Mohamed Abu Ghanam at the Jerusalem Magistrates Court. Abu Ghanam is suspected of setting Rabbi Dov Lior’s car on fire in the Beit Orot neighborhood of Jerusalem. The office of the Jerusalem District Attorney intends to indict Abu Ghanam within a few days and to demand that he be held in remand until the end of proceedings.

Jerusalem Magistrates Court Judge Mohamad Haj Yahya extended the remand of the suspect until 2.8.22 and required him to undergo a psychiatric examination. In his decision, Judge Yahya wrote, “Today, a plaintiff’s affidavit was placed before me, according to which the office of the Jerusalem District Attorney confirms that there are prima facie grounds to indict [the suspect] and to request his remand until the end of proceedings. I studied the investigative material that was placed before me (a thick file). Said material establishes the reasonable suspicion attributed to the respondent. The suspicion is highly likely [to be valid]. I also refer to previous decisions that have been handed down in his case. There is no need to go into detail with regard to the danger attributed to the respondent. Note the nature of the act and also the suspicion that he was motivated by racism.”

Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher stated, “We expect the terrorist to be indicted for serious charges and imprisoned for many years. G-d willing, we will assist Rabbi Lior and his family with realizing their rights as victims of terror. We will demand that the terrorist be penalized to the full extent of the law.”

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