Remand extension for protesters

Monday, July 24, 2017, 9:14 On Sunday, July 23, the Petah Tikva Magistrate Court rejected the police demand for a four-day extension and extended the remand of three adults, all of them Shomron residents, by only two days. The detainees are suspected of blocking the entry of Arab vehicles to Shechem with other protesters during a demonstration at the Jat Intersection near Kedumim Saturday night following the murder in Neve Tzuf on Shabbat.
At an additional deliberation the court ordered the release under restrictive conditions of a minor detained during the same protest. The minor will be distanced from the area of the demonstration and will remain until the end of the week at the educational institution he attends.
Honenu Attorney Chai Haber, who represented the detainees, stated that, “After the Shabbat on which three members of the Salomon family were horrifically murdered, residents of the area went out to demonstrate their grief in a quiet protest. Unfortunately some of them were detained even though they were not involved with any disturbance. In light of the fact that the court did not accept our position and immediately order their release, an appeal was filed with the district court.”
On Monday, July 24, a deliberation is expected to take place at the Central District Court in Lod on the appeal filed by Haber.

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