Sandak case: Will the AG put the policemen on trial?

Ahuvia Sandak, z”l

Honenu is representing those who are insisting on the investigation of the death of Ahuvia Sandak z”l who was tragically killed in a police car chase and defending the many who are being detained while demonstrating for change in police behavior. The car Ahuvia was in with four other boys overturned when the police car collided with it from behind. Please click here for a list of posts connected to the case.

Sunday, October 31, 2021, 21:15 On the evening of Sunday, October 31, Channel 13 News (Israel) reported that the Attorney General is considering putting one of the Yehuda and Shomron Policemen on trial for causing the death of Ahuvia Sandak, z”l.

The Sandak family responded to the report: “Unfortunately, circumstances of the death of our son Ahuvia have been whitewashed since the first moment of the investigation by the Police Investigation Unit, which led to a negligent, weak investigation, and not a genuine, truth-seeking investigation. Ahuvia died at the hands of policemen from the Central Unit of Yehuda and Shomron Police, who acted wildly, without any restraint, and rammed their car [into the youths’ car] against the law and against regulations. Sweet Ahuvia will not return. Putting all of the policemen on trial is an obligation of the State to all citizens. Behind each of the policemen stands an entire unit, with commanders and officers, some of whom were in the car [that rammed the youths’ car], some of whom gave orders, and some of whom whitewashed the incident and the [findings at the] scene. The Central Unit of Yehuda and Shomron Police has an organizational culture and a policy. It is not only one policeman who is at fault. The role of the police is to represent the values of honesty and justice. Israel, an honest nation, will have faith in the police only if they are faithful to its values.

“A young man shouldn’t find his death in an encounter with policemen. It is sad that it isn’t obvious and definite to the Attorney General. We demand that the system undergo a thorough house cleaning and fundamental rectification. We have not come out of pettiness to annoy, but rather we have come to demand goodness and honesty for Am Yisrael.”

Honenu added: “It is too little and too late, but corrections can still be made. We call on the Attorney General to stop the cover-up. The evidence is clear, the findings are clear: The policemen intentionally and illegally rammed the car in which Ahuvia, z”l, was a passenger, causing his death. Ahuvia’s blood is not cheap. Put everyone involved with his death on trial. Do not damage what little trust the public still has in the law enforcement authorities.”

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