Honenu Attorneys Rom (L) and Keidar (R); Photo credit: Honenu
Monday, September 2, 2024, 13:14 The military court of appeals has revoked the requirement for supervision during their house arrest of the reservist soldiers who were detained at the Sde Teiman military base on suspicion of assaulting a Nukhba terrorist prisoner. The court’s decision, which follows an appeal filed by Honenu Attorneys Adi Keidar and Nati Rom on the house arrest conditions of the soldiers, enables the soldiers to return to work. Since their detention the soldiers have been prevented from returning to their places of work, which has had a detrimental effect on their ability to earn a living. Five additional soldiers who were detained over the same incident have already been released.
Attorneys Keidar and Rom: “We welcome the decision by the court of appeals and hope that it indicates a more balanced attitude of the court towards the accused. However, the fact that the Military Advocate General’s office, headed by the Chief Military Advocate, Major-General Yifat Tomer Yerushalmi is continuing its attempts to incriminate the soldiers and restrict their movement is regrettable and distressing. We will continue to fight until they are all fully acquitted.”
Following the recent house arrest extension, the Honenu Attorneys Rom and Keidar requested to receive the investigative material in the case from the military prosecution.
Please click here for a description by the detained Sde Teiman soldiers of the incident.
Please click here for a statement from Hila, the wife of one of the soldiers detained at the Sde Teiman military base on suspicion of assaulting a Nukhba terrorist, who leveled sharp criticism at the Military Advocate General over his detention.
On July 30, the court ignored the soldiers’ concerned families and held a hearing in their absence.
Initially, Honenu Attorneys Rom and Keidar were prevented on various pretexts from meeting with the detainees and granting them legal counsel.