Second administrative order canceled

Monday, September 4, 2017, 16:13 On Monday, September 4, Judge Colonel Tzvi Lekach

Frisman receiving notification; Photo credit: Honenu

Frisman receiving notification; Photo credit: Honenu

of the Ofer Military Court of Appeals canceled the administrative distancing order issued by the GOC of the Central Command, Major-General Roni Numa, to Yitzhar resident Yosef Frisman. The order distanced Frisman from all of Yehuda and Shomron, for four months, with the exception of Kedumim, which had been designated as his temporary place of residence. See here for more details.
This is the second administrative order issued to Frisman that has been canceled. Several months ago the President of the Ofer Military Court of Appeals, Judge Col. Netanel Benisho, canceled a similar distancing order. The ruling stated that there was no evidence justifying the distancing order, and that according to the information presented to him Frisman did not espouse a violent ideology.
There is a gag order on the content of the court’s decision, which Honenu Attorney Menasheh Yado, who is representing Frisman, demanded be lifted.
When the second order was served to Frisman by detectives from the Central Unit of the Yehuda and Shomron Police on Thursday, August 31, Yado filed an urgent request with the court to demand postponement of the order coming into effect and to schedule an urgent deliberation to demand complete cancellation of the order. The court consented and delayed the order coming into effect until the deliberation on Frisman’s case, which was held on Sunday, September 3.
“The Frismans won’t be exiled from their home,” said Yado when the court made their decision. “With its bold decision the court stopped a dangerous administrative order which gave the impression that the army is above the law. We welcome the ruling, which constitutes a small but important step in reducing the extent of such orders.”
Frisman: “I expect that the same GSS coordinators and the same people who persecute Jews everyday in [Yehdua and Shomron] will repent and deal with the genuine enemies of Israel.”

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