Shilo Bloc: Border police officer delayed medical treatment of detainee

Sunday, May 13, 2018, 11:56 On the morning of Sunday, May 13, a group of Arabs accompanied by foreign left-wing activists arrived near the community of Amichai and the Geulat Tzion outpost, began to plow, and placed Palestinian flags and also flags of other countries.
A group of residents of area communities who arrived at the site to protest encountered severe police brutality. The police detained approximately ten residents. One of the detainees was injured during the course of the detention. Medical personnel, a Magen David Adom team, who arrived at the scene were prevented by a border police officer from treating the detainee for approximately one hour. Only after Honenu Attorney Nati Rom arrived on the scene and intervened did the border police allow the injured detainee to be treated.
Honenu Attorney Nati Rom: “This is a new level of violating the basic rights of detainees. For approximately one hour, a border police commander prevented a Magen David Adom team from treating an injured detainee, who maintained his legal right not to identify himself or give details. At the moment the MDA team is treating the injured detainee. We intend to file a complaint against the officer.”

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