Shomron hilltop raided, one detention, structures destroyed

Raid on hilltop community near Tapuah

Raid on hilltop community near Tapuah

Wednesday, July 30, 2014, 12:25 On the morning of Wednesday, July 30, despite the fighting in the south of Israel, the missile barrages on the entire country and the increase of terror incidents particularly in Yehuda and Shomron the IDF and the Israeli Police chose to raid an outpost near the community of Tapuah in the Shomron.
Police and Yassam (Special Forces) forces raided the hilltop community, destroyed several structures and impounded a vehicle which was serving as a residence. During the raid a resident in his 20’s was detained. A Honenu attorney is verifying the reason for his detention and working towards his release.
Honenu responded to the raid and detention: “It is unfortunate that particularly at a time of remarkable unity among the Nation of Israel, support for the soldiers fighting in the Gaza Strip and also the increase in Arab terror throughout Israel, that the army and the police chose to use valuable resources against Jewish residents of Yehuda and Shomron. It should be noted that many residents of Yehuda and Shomron are currently risking their lives fighting in the Gaza Strip.”

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