Suspect released in Arak Burin shooting: Court ruled “a case of self defense”

Thursday, June 16 12:20 The Jerusalem Magistrate Court currently released from remand “M”, who had been arrested yesterday on suspicion of shooting and killing an Arab terrorist who attacked him near the village of Arak Burin. The court ruled that he had acted in self defense.
Representatives from the Central Police Unit of Yehuda and Shomron requested that the court extend his remand by five days claiming that he posed a danger and could disrupt investigatory proceedings.
During the deliberation it became clear that already three weeks ago the police knew that the shooter was “M”, but for a unclear reason refrained from arresting him.
After investigation of one of the police representatives by attorney Ariel Atari, who was hired by Honenu to represent “M”, and after examination of the investigatory material by Judge Shalev-Gertel, the judge accepted the plea of the defense attorney and informed the police representative that she intended to release the suspect, in light of his claim that it was a case of self defense.
The judge released the detainee to house arrest until Sunday on bail only.

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