Terrorist indicted three years after attack

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Honenu Atty. Chayim Bleicher; Photo credit: Honenu

Sunday, July 21, 2024, 11:21 In the past few days, the Military Advocate General indicted a terrorist who was detained by security forces several months ago. During interrogation, it was ascertained that he had taken part in a rock attack in the Binyamin region in January 2021. In the attack, a local Jewish woman was traveling in the area, and when passing the Arab village of Dir Nizam, terrorists jumped out and threw rocks at the car from point-blank range. The woman suffered a serious head injury and as a result was hospitalized for treatment, and then had to undergo a long and agonizing rehabilitation process.

Approximately one year ago, in a plea bargain, nine additional terrorists who took part in the same attack were sentenced to terms of five to six years imprisonment and ordered to pay the victim compensation of NIS 104,000.

Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher, who is representing the victim, stated, “We welcome the decision by the security forces and the Military Advocate General to indict the terrorist. Apprehending the terrorist and indicting him despite the length of time that had elapsed since the attack sends a message to every terrorist that they will be pursued and should live in fear until they are caught. This is how deterrence is achieved.”

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