Honenu Atty. Shimshilashvili; Photo credit: Honenu
Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 16:30 Yesterday morning, the Yehuda and Shomron Police and the GSS detained three Yehuda and Shomron residents, two of them minors. The detainees were taken to GSS dungeons, interrogated for two days, and have not been granted their right to meet with an attorney. Honenu Attorneys Daniel Shimshilashvili, Moshe Poleski, and Assaf Gonen, who are representing the detainees, leveled sharp criticism at the authorities.
Attorney Shimshilashvili stated, “Tools granted to law enforcement authorities for use against terrorists are being turned against Jewish residents of Yehuda and Shomron, among them minors without a criminal record. I reason that the time has come, particularly with a right-wing government, for the legislature to address and resolve the repeated instances of individuals who love the Land and People of Israel receiving disgraceful treatment. Barring detainees from meeting with an attorney is fundamentally unacceptable and unforgivable.”

Honenu Attorney Poleski; Photo credit: Honenu
Attorney Poleski continued, “We regret that the GSS is abusing the use of the prohibition against meeting with an attorney, which is meant to be used against terrorists in the war on terror. Its cynical use against Jewish minors is an extreme violation of their rights. In a civilized state, it is unacceptable for detained minors without a criminal record to be interrogated in GSS dungeons and denied their basic right to consult an attorney.”

Honenu Attorney Gonen; Photo credit: Honenu
Attorney Gonen added, “Unfortunately, over a long period of time, we have witnessed more than a few detainees prevented from meeting with an attorney, without any justification. We will continue to fight an uncompromising legal battle against depriving detainees, some of whom are minors, of their rights.”