Please click here for a list of posts relating to cases in which Honenu provided legal counsel to victims of antisemitic attacks in Jerusalem.

Honenu Attorney Bleicher; Photo credit: Honenu
Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 9:09 Three years ago, in the Old City of Jerusalem, an Arab attacked a Hareidi Jew who was walking to the Western Wall. The Arab walked close to him, suddenly pulled his payot (side curls), and fled the scene. The assailant was arrested and sentenced to one month’s imprisonment in a plea bargain arrangement. The victim was also awarded compensation. Currently, Honenu is suing the assailant in civil proceedings for NIS 100,000 on behalf of the victim.
Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher: “Antisemitic attacks in Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel, are intolerable. We will continue to exact high prices from Arab assailants. The security and peace of Jerusalem are paramount.”