Was the incident staged? – UPDATE

Wednesday, January 18, 2017, 16:26 On Wednesday, January 18, Jerusalem Magistrate Court Judge Yaron Mientkavich partially accepted a police demand for a three-day remand extension and extended by one day the remand of four of the six youths who were detained two days previously at Geulat Tzion. The two other detainees were released the same day after they refuted the claims against them during interrogation at the Central Unit of Yehuda and Shomron Police Station.
Judge Mientkavich ruled that unless there is significant development in the investigation or a plaintiff’s affidavit is filed by the following day, then the four detainees will be released to house arrest. The police claim that the detainees attempted to assault Arabs who came to the area of Geulat Tzion accompanied by security forces disguised as Arabs.
Honenu is of the opinion that it is extremely likely the police, with the cooperation of Arabs, staged the incident. Honenu Attorney David HaLevi, who represented the detainees in court, stated that, “My clients deny all connection to the incident. The release conditions set by the court speak for themselves.”
Honenu would like to call to our readers’ attention that the courts and the public have in the past severely criticized the use of soldiers disguised as Arabs in order provoke reactions from Jews. The Yehuda and Shomron Police have staged such incidents in Havat Gilad, Susiya, Havat Har Sinai, Givat Ronen, Bat Ayin, Kochav HaShahar, Adei Ad, and elsewhere in the Shilo Bloc region.

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