Yitzhar: Police close in on Zarog – Timeline

Sunday, November 10, 2019, 22:05 In late August the GOC of the Central Command, Major-General Nadav Padan, announced that he intended to serve Neriya Zarog with an administrative order distancing him from his home in Yitzhar and almost all of Yehuda and Shomron for three months. Approximately one month later Maj.-Gen. Padan did sign the order. However Zarog has not fulfilled the order , has remained in Yitzhar and has called on Maj.-Gen. Padan to cancel the order.
On the night of Thursday, November 7, detectives from the Central Unit of the Yehuda and Shomron Police accompanied by Special Forces (Yassam) raided the home of a family in Yitzhar in search of Zarog and three days later, on Sunday, large numbers of police forces arrived in Yitzhar to detain Zarog. See below a timeline of the day’s events.

Police in Yitzhar; Photo credit: Honenu

Police in Yitzhar; Photo credit: Honenu

16:41 Large numbers of police forces are surrounding a house in the center of Yitzhar.
16:44 The police are attempting to break into the house. Dozens of Yitzhar residents are clashing with the police.
16:46 A claim has been made that Neriya Zarog is in the house.
17:24 The house in which Zarog is staying is under siege. Large numbers of police forces from the Central Unit of Yehuda and Shomron Police are closing in on the house in which Zarog has barricaded himself. Police forces have broken down walls of the house. Eye witnesses are reporting that Zarog is calling out for assistance. Sounds of heavy equipment and screams are heard from the house. Apparently the police forces have reached the barricades, which are obstructing the removal of Zarog from the house. Surrounding the house, approximately 200 Yitzhar residents are clashing with the policemen in protest of the attempt to detain Zarog.
17:37 The first detention of the incident has been carried out.

Injured protester; Photo credit: Honenu

Injured protester; Photo credit: Honenu

17:46 Protesters near the house have been injured by police brutality.
17:49 A line of police cars is blocked on the entry road to Yitzhar.
19:10 Zarog’s condition is not known. In light of reports of police brutality, Honenu Attorney Nati Rom arrived in Yitzhar to verify Neriya Zarog’s condition. The policemen are refusing to allow Rom to examine Zarog’s condition. Rom reports that shouts are heard from the house and there are reports of police brutality.
19:29 Large numbers of police and Special Forces (Yassam) are still clashing at the site with hundreds of Yitzhar residents protesting the attempt to detain Zarog. More than 15 residents have been injured by police brutality: tear gas, batons and violence. Neriya Zarog has barricaded himself in the house for three hours. His condition is unknown. Honenu Attorney Nati Rom attempted to enter the house and verify Zarog’s condition. He was denied entry.
20:05 Several police drones have been seen above the houses in Yitzhar.
20:08 The police are not allowing journalists to enter Yitzhar.
20:12 The journalists currently blocked are Maya Horodnichano from Walla! News, Yishai Porat from Channel 13 (Israeli) News, and Michal Chinn, from Channel 12 (Israeli) News.
20:19 A Yitzhar resident has been injured by police brutality. MDA medics are providing her with medical treatment.
21:17 Zarog has been injured by police equipment. MDA personnel are on their way.

21:20 The police are preventing the MDA personnel from entering the house. Video credit: Honenu

21:25 Zarog’s injury, filmed through a window of the house. Video credit: Honenu

Zarog’s bloodstained kippah; Photo credit: Honenu

Zarog’s bloodstained kippah; Photo credit: Honenu

22:05 Neriya Zarog’s bloodstained kippah

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