Agent provocateur operated among minors

Wednesday, April 25, 2018, 8:50 On the morning of Wednesday, April 25, Honenu revealed that the police, apparently with the cooperation of other security forces, operated an agent provocateur among youths in the Yehuda and Shomron regions. On at least two occasions the agent enticed a minor to carry out price tag attacks.
According to information obtained by Honenu Attorney Moshe Poleski, who is representing the minor, the agent updated officials in the security forces before, during and after price tag incidents with which he was involved. No detentions were made.
Before one incident the agent gave the minor flammable material and spray paint and enticed him to carry out a price tag attack against Arabs. The minor refused to carry out an arson attack and agreed only to spray-paint graffiti. The agent took the youth to a site near the Sheik Jerakh neighborhood of Jerusalem and instructed him concerning what to do, including how to cover his head and how to word the graffiti he would spray on Arab houses in the neighborhood.
Following the exposure by Poleski, the Jerusalem Magistrate Court is expected to demand that the details of the case be cleared for publication.
Honenu: “Israel of 2018 is waking up to the ‘Champagne’ [referring to agent provocateur Avishai Raviv] reality we thought had ended in 1995. This is an incident of the utmost importance, which should concern every Israeli citizen.
“Those who are entrusted to maintain the rule of law and order should not be free to entice minors to carry out crimes, especially not to tarnish and damage the reputation of an entire public. We call for the urgent formation of a committee to investigate the matter and reach conclusions.
“The obsession that the Unit of Nationalist Crime in the Israeli Police and the Jewish Department of the GSS have to produce ‘results’ at any price, has once again crossed all limits and exceeded all norms. What started with the torture of minors is continuing with agents provocateurs luring minors. Where is the responsible adult? Who will put an end to this chaos?”
Honenu Attorney Adi Keidar added that, “The operation of agents provocateurs by security officials must be stopped. Those responsible and their assistants must be immediately removed from their positions. Every time that the media publicizes a price tag attack, the public must know that there is a possibility that the long arm of the security forces was involved, was a partner to the incident and perhaps even enticed others to carry out the attack.”

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