Assault in Old City of Jerusalem

Update: The Arab assailants were detained and later placed under house arrest. The Jewish youth were placed under house arrest and later released. For more information see here.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018, 16:33 A group of Jewish youth walking in the Old City of Jerusalem on the afternoon of Wednesday, February 14, were forced to defend themselves when assaulted by several Arabs. After the incident the police detained several of the group and brought them to the police station to give testimony. One of the Jews suffered serious facial injuries and will be evacuated shortly for medical treatment.
At this stage it is not known whether or not any of the Arabs have been detained. The identity of some of them is known to the police, and it appears that one of them was evacuated for medical treatment.
Honenu Attorney Yossi Nadav, who is assisting the detainees at the police station, stated that, “This is the beginning of an investigation. My clients were seriously assaulted by a large number of assailants. There was a clear danger to their lives and some of them were seriously injured. At the moment they are filing a complaint at the police station. We expect that all of the assailants will be immediately detained and will be penalized to the full extent of the law.”

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